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Kravat- Bowtie Cookie
Prep Time
30 mins
Cook Time
30 mins

The Kravat- Bowtie Cookie- is a light and crispy candy in the shape of a bowtie. This traditional deep-fried little treat made simply with flour, egg and sugar is addictive and irresistible to young and old.

Course: Pastry
Cuisine: Creole
Servings: 14 units
Author: The Creole Melting Pot
  • 125 g all purpose flour
  • 3 tsp white sugar
  • ½ tsp salt
  • 1 tbsp vegetable oil
  • ¼ tsp baking powder
  • 15 ml cold water
  • 1 egg
  • Vegetable oil, for frying
  1. Sift flour into a large bowl and make a well in the centre.

  2. Add baking powder, oil and egg. Mix with your fingers and incorporate very well.

  3. When properly incorporated, add water a little at a time until you get a soft dough. If dough is too sticky sprinkle a little more flour on it . Remove the dough from the bowl and knead  for about two minutes to form a smooth, non sticky dough.

  4. Rest dough for about 15 minutes

  5. Roll out dough to about 0.5 cm thick, 25 cm long and 20 cm wide, and cut into small rectangles 10 cm long x 3.5 cm wide.

  6. Make a vertical incision about 3 cm long throughthe centre of each piece of dough.Push one end of the rectangle through the central incision to form a ‘bow-tie’or a butterfly knot. Flaten the ends to minimise the curling that occurs duringthe frying process.

  7. Shape all the pieces in a similar way while you heat oil in a large frying.

  8. Gently drop the kravat one by one and fry until golden brown.

  9. Remove from hot oil and place them on a paper towel

  10. The kravat are best enjoyed completely cold with a sprinkle of caster sugar. They can be stored in an airtight box and they will keep for a long time.

Recipe Notes

The kravat can be made with either one insertion in the central incison or two insertions.


You may also decide to fold two kravat together to give you a double bow.


If you wish to give your kravat that tropical flavour, why not mix a sprinkle of cinnamon powder in your caster sugar.

Do not add too much baking powder because you kravat will puff up too much.


I suggest you use a flat bottom pan in order to minimise the curling of the kravat that will happen if you use a wok. You want your karavat to be as straight as possible.