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Tuna Curry with Marsh Spinach–Kari Koko Ton ek Bred Lanmar
Prep Time
30 mins
Cook Time
25 mins

This Tuna Curry with Marsh Spinach–Kari Koko Ton ek Bred Lanmar- is a true celebration of Seychellois ingredients and flavours.  Tuna and coconut are enhanced with warming spices including cinnamon, ginger, garlic and turmeric. Serve with steamed rice

Course: Main Course
Cuisine: Creole
Keyword: marsh spinash, Tuna, tuna curry bred lanmar
Servings: 4
Author: The Creole Melting Pot
  • 750 g fresh tuna fillets
  • 2 bunches water spinach
  • 2 tbsp curry powder
  • 1 tsp turmeric powder
  • 2 tins coconut milk- or fresh milk from 2 coconuts
  • 3 cloves of garlic crushed
  • 1 tsp crushed ginger
  • 350ml water, to steam fish
  • 10 curry leaves
  • 2 chillies - preferably goat chilli cut in half and seeds removed
  • 2 cinammon leaves or one quill 
  • Salt and cracked pepper
Prepare the tuna
  1. Wash tuna and remove the skin and pat dry. Remove the blood line if there is any.

  2. Cut into cubes of about 2.5cm

  3. Lightly season the tuna and place in a medium size pot and add the water.

  4. Place pot over low heat and steam the tuna for no more than 10  minutes

  5. Remove from heat and keep until needed. Do not remove tuna from the pot.

Prepare the water Spinach
  1. With the water spinach still bunched, cut off the tough stems, usually about 5 cm from the bottom end, unless it is very young and tender.

  2. Discard the leaves that are withered, have brown spots, or have turned yellow.

  3. Thoroughly rinse with tap water to remove any sand or grit trapped in the stalks and leaves and transfer to a colander to drain.

  4. Take the bunch of water spinach and cut it horizontally into sections of about 6cm long. You may choose to give the cut spinach another thorough rinse. Drain and keep.

Finishing the curry
  1. Allow the steamed tuna to cool down for a few minutes.

  2. Add all remaining ingredients, except the marsh spinach, and gently stir them in. Avoid breaking up the chunks of tuna.

  3. When you are happy that the ingredients are thoroughly mixed, place the pot on medium heat and cook, with lid off, for about 10 minutes,

  4. Add the marsh spinach and gently stir once and allow to cook for another five minutes. You do not want to overcook your fish as well as the spinach. You require the crunchiness of the stems of the spinach.

  5. Remove cut chilli if required

  6. Season and serve with boiled rice, freshly made chilli sauce and a cucumber salad. I prefer to eat mine with boiled cassava.

Recipe Notes


  1. This dish can be made with almost any large fish, except probably shark.
  2. You will notice that when cooking this curry, I  do not  add of any vinegary or acidic ingredients, because  acidic ingredients may curdle your coconut milk, especially if it has been freshly made.
  3. The chillies are sliced in half and seeds removed so that they can impart that extra flavour with minimal heat and can easily be removed before service. Biting on a goat chilli is not for the faint hearted.
  4. If you prefer a spicier version of this curry, you may add two crushed  goat chillies ,or piman kabri , with seeds left in, or use a hot curry powder